Helping Personal Trainers Achieve Excellence

The Mentoring, Tools & Support You Need to Become an Elite Trainer and Build a highly profitable Personal Training Business…

… So you can enjoy more money, freedom and control over your future without spending years in frustrating trial and error. Welcome to the house of champions.

*Find out if Wolfpack is right for you

IMPORTANT HEADS UP: This Mastermind is NOT for everyone. Wolfpack Alpha is the pinnacle of personal trainer business mentoring. This highly exclusive 12-month program demands you to challenge and confront every aspect of your business. As an Alpha, you will have access to the entire playbook that’s built Enterprise Studio into a seven-figure business and enjoy epic growth.

0 + Years

Educating and Empowering Business Owners

Millions of Dollars

For Wolfpack Alpha Graduates

0 +

Hours of In-Depth and
On-Demand Education Videos

0 Mind-Blowing

“Money Can’t Buy” Events Per Year


What is Wolfpack Alpha?

Wolfpack Alpha is a Mastermind program delivered over 12 months and designed exclusively for trainers looking to be The Alpha of their domain.

This is the highest level of the Wolfpack program and the pinnacle of personal trainer business coaching.

In other words, you get access to everything in the Enterprise Academy library.

Enterprise Internship

Two Events Per Year

The gold standard of training and nutrition secrets used by the top 1% of personal trainers that eliminates doubt and supports a highly profitable personal training career.


4 events per year

Learn the sales, marketing, mindset and business skills you need to go from winning in the gym to winning at business.Whatever your definition of success, Wolfpack will help you achieve it.

Elite Results Bootcamp

Two Events Per Year

Confidently provide life-changing body transformations and help Gen Pop, amateur and pro athletes prep like champions and achieve head-turning transformations.

Now is your chance to receive the help you’ve been looking for to skyrocket your sales and ignite your personal growth. If you’re ready to reach your full potential as a personal trainer and entrepreneur, you’re ready to become an Alpha.

PLEASE NOTE: Wolfpack Alpha is strictly limited to 20 of our best and most ambitious students. Spots are limited not because of some fake scarcity B.S. but because it means my team
and I can fully focus on your results.

Today You Have a Unique Opportunity…

… To learn the training and nutrition skills that have built Enterprise Fitness into Australia’s most sought after personal training studio delivering life-changing results for thousands of people from gym newbies through elite athletes and getting handsomely paid to do it.

When you join Enterprise Fitness Academy you’ll be able to:

Elevate your nutrition knowledge to help you transform your client’s physiques and become known as the PT that delivers far more than just training.

Master assessment and screening to help you quickly identify what your clients need and how to write a custom program for their body and lifestyle.

Deliver sustainable results that make it easy to attract and retain clients willing to pay top dollar for your expertise.

Attract high profile clients that trust your knowledge and your approach to support their goals.

Enjoy the priceless confidence that comes from finally realising you can enjoy a long-term career in personal training.

It’s time to learn the gold standard of training and nutrition that eliminates doubt and supports a highly profitable personal training career.

This is Your Chance to Learn the Strategies That Have Delivered 300+ First-Place Competition Winners

Tiger Woods. Roger Federer. Michael Jordan.

What links these icons?

They all had coaches. No athlete ascends to the top of their discipline without help.

Natural ability can only take you so far. To become elite, you need the expertise and guidance of those who have gone where you want to go.

Enterprise Fitness was built on delivering elite results. It’s why we’re able to charge 3x or 4x more than the average trainer, produce 1000’s of head-turning results, and still have a waitlist for new clients of all ages, skill levels and backgrounds.

And now our proven approach to training champion clients is available to you.

Wolfpack Alpha is ExclusivelY Limited to 20 Trainers
13 places remaining

Access everything in the Enterprise Academy plus 4x Exclusive Mastermind Events Per Year and 4 x ‘Alpha Only’ events to unwind, let loose, and rub shoulders with other Alphas.

Wolfpack Alpha

Wolfpack Alpha is a high-end, closed group offering for a strictly limited number of PTs, studio or gym owners.

As a 12 month program, success will require a high level of commitment not just to me – but to yourself.

Here’s a snapshot of what’s waiting for you:

Imagine what 12 months of guidance, support and knowledge could do for your business and life?

*14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Do You Demand Greatness?

I’m not talking about what you expect from your clients – I’m talking about you.

Maybe you want to buy a home, start a family, set yourself up for the future, or build a business that’s still growing 5, 10, or 15 years from now. Whatever your goals, a successful business is your vehicle to take you where you want to go.

But there’s one thing stopping you from becoming great…

The Greatest Obstacle You Face Is a Lack of Business Knowledge

More money. More free time. More respect. More control over your life. You want more than you’ve got but you’re stuck working your ass off without rewards to show for it, right?

That’s because the best trainers in the world can’t compensate for a lack of business knowledge.

I don’t care how deep your training knowledge is, how many podcasts you’ve listened to, or how many Alex Hormozi Instagram Reels you’ve watched. If your business model is broken, you will never be the success that you could be.

If you’re honestly satisfied with those outcomes, then you’re not the right fit for Wolfpack Alpha.

Still here?


You’re ready to take the first, and most important step, to becoming a business owner of high value and net worth.


Why Should You Listen to Me?

Because I’ve built a house of champions.

I’m not just talking about the 300+ first-place winners my team and I have trained. And I’m not talking about the 1000s of everyday clients who learned to train like beasts under the Enterprise philosophy.

I’m talking about the graduates of Wolfpack Alpha who have gone on to make six figures a year, build their own million dollar businesses, and realise their longstanding dreams.

How can I confidently claim to do the same for you?

Because I know what’s required to turn a passion for training into a multi-million dollar business. Like you, I started by waking up at 4:30am and getting home when the sun had set – for the grand sum of $16.75 an hour.

I’ve written blogs, a book, been a guest on and hosted podcasts. I’ve trained champions at State, National and International level. I’ve been to the highest level as a PT and business owner. And I’ve got as many failures as I have successes.

And today, my studio is still operating and growing as strong as ever after 10+ years.

Not before I did the hard work. Not before I trained champions.
Not before I knew how to grow a profitable studio.

If you want to go on to 2x, 3x or 4x your income, to open your own studio, or to build a business that works without you, I’ve done it… and I’ll show you how.

You Want to Be a Great Trainer and Business Owner, but Are Any of the Following Obstacles Standing in Your Way?

You never feel secure that you’ll be able to get new clients.

You’re posting weekly (or daily) on Instagram but you’re not getting any new paying clients. Even when you run Facebook and Instagram Ads, because that’s “what you’re supposed to do”, you’re STILL not seeing enough new clients to make your ballooning spend
worth it (and yes, FB and Insta ads are getting more expensive). Worst of all, a change in the algorithm can wipe out your strategy and leave you back at square one.

You want to make more money but you’re not sure how to make it happen.

You’re posting weekly (or daily) on Instagram but you’re not getting any new paying clients. Even when you run Facebook and Instagram Ads, because that’s “what you’re supposed to do”, you’re STILL not seeing enough new clients to make your ballooning spend
worth it (and yes, FB and Insta ads are getting more expensive). Worst of all, a change in the algorithm can wipe out your strategy and leave you back at square one.

You’re drowning in admin when you want to focus on training.

You’re not an admin person who wants to spend hours behind a computer dealing with tax, GST, and BAS – that’s why you became a personal trainer! The right admin systems can help build a seven figure personal training studio. Until you can unlock that proven system, you’ll be trapped in a business that steals your time and energy.

You’re struggling to make ends meet despite putting in 40, 50 or 60+ hours every week.

Too many PTs work their ass off for peanuts, not because they don’t know how to deliver great results, but because their business model is broken. When you stop hunting rats and start hunting elephants you can go from earning $60 to $70 an hour to charging $3k or $4k per package which is life-changing.

You’ve got ambitious goals for your business but lack business knowledge.

You already know you’re better than most PTs but it’s tough to take your business to the next level when you’re unsure when, where or how to get there. On the gym floor, you’ll back yourself to keep up with any trainer and deliver kick-ass results. But when it comes to the business side, you second-guess yourself.

You’re frustrated at constantly throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.

When you’re guessing what to say on a sales call, making Reel after Reel on Instagram, or sending cold DMs to people that don’t give a damn, you’re putting all the right effort into all the wrong places. Effort doesn’t automatically mean success if it’s not effort spent wisely.

Here’s the truth – great personal trainers need to be equally great business owners.

Right now you can continue following flavour of the month strategies… or build a business that’s still here in 5 or 10 years.

You already know how to get results inside the gym. Now I’ll show you how to get results in the business of personal training.

"I’d describe WolfPack as Life/Game-Changing"

Imagine what your life would look like if you could go from charging $80 a session to $4,000 for a 12-week package?

Enjoy the Alpha Advantage

As a Wolfpack Alpha graduate you’ll be equipped with the core business skills required to turn a passion for personal training into a lifelong and profitable business venture.

Wolfpack Alpha graduates have multiplied their income, launched their own million-dollar businesses, and transformed their lives.

Here’s how we’ll do the same for you:

Business Modelling

Compare business model options and decide which is appropriate for you. You’ll learn how to reach your target audience and have meaningful connections while creating a high-earning PT business from the ground up that matches your goals.

Money Management

Setting reasonable financial goals can be the difference between hoping your business is making money and knowing you’re on the right track. Learn the fundamentals of finances with no-nonsense money management tips from managing your tax to promoting financial health and plenty more in between.

Client Marketing

Avoid the fundamental mistake made by most trainers so you can convert more leads into paying clients without sinking hours into unsuccessful marketing strategies. Climb inside your client’s head to understand what they want from a PT and how to position yourself as the natural solution.

Digital Marketing

Your clients come to you for transformational results… but you’ll need to find them first. Across Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, we’ll show you the strategies that work online. When you can tap into proven digital marketing channels, you’ll never be short of clients again.


The strategies behind Wolfpack have literally sold millions of dollars in personal training packages. From objection handling to incentivising packages, we’ll take a closer look at the psychology of sales and show you how to make $2k, $3k, or $4k from a single sale while other PTs are making a few hundred bucks a week.


I’ll show you how to believe in your own skills and develop the confidence to sell high-priced PT services to people who need and want them. No more squeezing blood from a stone. Success is inevitable when you have full belief in your approach and the results you can deliver for
your clients.

Here’s What You’ll Have Inside Your Wolfpack Online Program



Goal Setting, Understanding & Identifying Values

Better businesses start with better coaches. Get clear on your values, understand the most powerful forces in coaching, develop effective client communication, and identify the end goals of your dream business so you can start working towards them.



Fitness Business Models

Break down the pros and cons of the most common fitness business models. Understand your responsibilities and obligations and discover the critical business metrics required to run a successful training business. From leads to sales conversion rate, average sales to profit margins, we’ll cover it all.



Fitness Business Planning

Understand the key numbers that underpin all successful training businesses. Learn how to identify your target hourly rate based on your annual revenue goals plus money saving tips to help you take control of your finances.



Finance Management

Discover the fundamentals of finance management by implementing systems that future-proof your business so you’re not at the mercy of outside forces. Staying on top of your money takes discipline – and that starts here.



Understand Your Target Market

Learn how to set expectations with clients, break down core marketing principles, and how to understand your target market so you can confidently pitch your packages to “open and interested” leads.



Digital Marketing

From copywriting to SEO and logo design, learn the step-by-step process of marketing your business to a digital audience. With leading edge digital marketing you can focus on training knowing you’ve got a pipeline of leads.



Social Media

Go from theory to practical implementation of the social media marketing strategies that work. This isn’t just about blowing up on IG, it’s about using social media as a lead-gen tool.



Time Management & Productivity

Discover how to maximise your most precious resource – time. Learn to live by your schedule, set appointments, and general business management tips to help you stay on top of your business.



Professionally Selling Personal Training

Uncover a proven sales process covering relationship building, client discovery, outcome selling, objection handling, and how to close a sale. Change your mindset from selling an hour to selling an outcome.



Sales Mastery

Break down advanced sales skills that have helped Enterprise Fitness drive 350+ sessions every week. Learn how to package packages for profit, sales scripts, and the power of understanding buyer types.



Legal Responsibilities

It might not be the most exciting topic, but when you understand and manage your tax obligations you can focus on training clients and running your business with confidence. Plus, the important legal responsibilities you have with your clients.



Managing Your Emotions

Learn to navigate the challenges of running a business with calmness, clarity and confidence. Unlock the mindset required to build a successful and sustainable business owner.


Let’s Work Together to Smash Through Plateaus & Grow Your Business

Wolfpack Alpha is your only opportunity to work with me during FOUR special closed door ‘Alpha Only’ private coaching days.

These value-driven sessions are intimate, intense and will leave you with the clarity you need to take your business to the next level – whatever that looks like to you.

In addition to the four ‘Alpha Only Days’, you’ll have the opportunity to join weekly group coaching calls to tackle any challenge so you can escape feeling trapped and tap into a priceless support network to help you stay on track to your goals.


Fun, Exclusive Quarterly Events for Alphas Only

As an Alpha, I’m not just challenging you to surround yourself with new ideas and navigate challenging environments. I’m also giving you the permission to enjoy the process.

Our exclusive ‘Alpha Only’ events are your chance to kick back and unwind with other high-achievers.

Who says you can’t network while sharing a meal, receiving a massage, touring a winery? No matter what activities you’re enjoying alongside, Wolfpack Alpha is the only program of its kind to push you to your limits and create space to enjoy the process along the way.

Wolfpack Alpha Bonuses


The Science of Change (with Duane Alley)

Guest speaker Duane Alley uncovers the truths, key strategies and small changes that allow personal trainers to create massive growth and improvement in their businesses.

Valued at $1,997


The Power of Being Flawed (with Tony Doherty)

Guest speaker Tony Doherty explains the value in being true to yourself in a powerful open Q&A session uncovering his mindset and approach to building a sustainable and successful personal training brand.

Valued at $997


Sales Mastery Course

Take clients from “I’m not sure if this will work for me” to “when can I come in for my first session” with sales resources including cheat sheets, common objection handling strategies, and buyer type breakdowns.

Valued at $1,997

3 x Bonuses Valued at $4,991

Included in your Wolfpack Program for FREE

I’m so confident you’ll get business-altering value out of Wolfpack Alpha that I put my money where my mouth is. If for some reason you aren’t satisfied with the value on offer within 14 days, I’ll refund you in full.

Change the trajectory of your PT career and life with zero risk.

*Spots Limited to 20 Action Takers

Hear From These Alphas Who Were Once in Your Shoes

Jack Bought His DREAM BIKE From Personal Training

Wen Jack

Fitness First Australia

Gave me the platform to grow the business the way I want it

Michael Pritchatt

Head coach, mind performance health

Wolfpack is relevant to building a business, face to face personal training

Gordon Phonekeo

Fitness street athletic club

Rob Clacher Levelled Up His Career in Personal Training

Rob Clacher

Quintessential Health & performance

"Wolfpack has given me so much clarity in our business"

Annette Shepherd

personal trainer

I feel like I am the person that I knew I could be but didn't know how to be

Shaun Tucker

Tucker power fitness

Are You Ready to Run With the Wolfpack?

The way I see it, you have two options…

Option One

Double Down

Carry on getting up at the crack of dawn, spend hours on admin and paperwork, keep missing out on the best bits of life because you literally cannot take time off without your business grinding to a halt (or losing clients). Sink money into “flavour of the month” marketing fads, obsessing over IG follower counts, and wishing things were different.

Option two


Invest in yourself to become as strong a business owner as you are a personal trainer. Discover the proven systems, processes and mindsets required to turn your passion for health and fitness into a six or seven-figure business. Finally look in the mirror and see the successful version of you that you want to be.

I can show you the door to a better, more successful, profitable business. Only you can walk through it.

So, what’s it going to be?

*Find out if Wolfpack Alpha is right for you

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