Claim Your Free BATTLE PLAN Which Reveals…

Your Step-By-Step Framework for Selling Millions inPERSONAL TRAINING

Discover the essential steps to growing your Personal Training business. 
From social media strategies to packaging your services, find out how to sell
personal training the right way and explode your career and credibility in the market. 

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We know our stuff. That’s why we’ve been featured in…

PLEASE NOTE: This free battle plan is for any PT looking to stop thinking week-to-week and start building the foundations of a business that delivers six to seven figures in revenue. If you’re looking to create a strategic plan of attack, this battle plan is for you.

0 + Years

Educating and Empowering Business Owners

Millions of Dollars

For Enterprise Academy Graduates
0 +

Tried, Tested and True Business Strategies 

who am I to make such audacious claims?

I’m a globally-recognised body transformation educator and mentor, and the founder of Enterprise Fitness.

Over the last decade my team and I have trained 300+ first-place winners in bikini, figure and physique competitions, as well as Commonwealth Games gold medallists, Olympians, and even a former Prime Minister.

If you stepped foot in a Melbourne gym in the early 2000’s you probably walked by me training at some point (sorry if I was hogging the squat rack) on the path to winning Melbourne’s Strongest Man (under 90kg class) and competing in multiple bodybuilding shows.

Now, after two decades in the trenches building my knowledge and business, I’m on a mission to share what I’ve learned, raise the standards of personal training industry-wide, and instil the mental edge that creates champions in and out of the gym.

The truth is, the majority of people have the right
motivation but the wrong plan.  

“I train with Mark because I believe if you want to be the BEST you have to train with the BEST! When I get in the ring, I want to be confident that I am stronger, faster and fitter than my opponent and training with Mark and his world-class trainers gives me this confidence.”
Andrew Moloney
Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist. Former WBA World Champion

Former PM, Tony Abbott and Mark

Mark teaching high level studio owners and trainers

Mark and Andrew Lock

Mark and
Tony Doherty

Mark interviewing the GOAT - Ed Coan

4x Ms Australia, 3x Arnold Classic Gold Medalist

Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist, WBA Oceania Flyweight Champion, 2019 WBA World Super Flyweight Champion

Figure Champion

All Females Fitness Model Champion

Figure International Champion

Mr. Australia (Junior)

Are You who am I to Execute Your Vision?

Operating a personal training business without the correct knowledge can leave you drowning in admin, marketing, sales, and management… and then you need to make time actually to train clients!

I’ve been a coach and trainer for two decades. Not only have I trained athletes at the highest level and created thousands of head-turning results, but I’ve also built a seven-figure studio, manage a team of 20, and have become my own landlord.

Success leaves clues. I’ve walked the path and know the road to Personal Training success. I’ve guided thousands of others, and many students attribute their entire careers to what I’ve been able to teach them.

If you’re looking for a magic bullet or pill, you won’t find it here. There’s nothing magical about what I teach or do. Just hard work with a plan of action that works. 

If you want the Battle Plan that’s rocket-launched trainers careers, download it below….

My Free Stuff is Better than
their paid stuff

Let me level with you.

I sell results, and what better way to prove to you that my stuff works than by helping you get some runs on the board for free?

Download this battle plan, implement the ideas and structures, make some cash and then, when you’re ready (and if you want more), you can attend a course, apply for my Mastermind or simply keep enjoying the free content I put out on YouTube and iTunes. 

What’s Covered Inside…


The foundations to deliver head-turning, jaw-dropping, Instagram-worthy results no matter who you’re training.


Uncover the core business systems and processes that help you manage your time, attract clients & make money.


The processes you need to help clients stay on track and make the right decisions to help and assist their body composition goals.

445 5-star Google reviews
can’t be wrong!

Everything I teach is from two decades of being in the trenches. Starting from $16.75 to building a seven-figure Enterprise. How fast would your business grow if you could learn from 20 years of experience and a proven track record of results, in and out of the gym? 

”Mark's book is a simple-to-follow format that condenses a lifetime of information from a man who has not only been in contact with the industry’s best for over a decade but has joined that list right alongside them.”
Dan Garner
Athlete, Olympic medalist & Hollywood High-Performance Consultant
”I have been training with Mark since 2007 and have not only trained for improvements with each competition, I have challenged myself with achieving more titles each time. These include two consecutive Ms. Olympia’s, three consecutive Ms. Australia titles as well as two All Female Classic titles.”
Janet Kane
3x Ms Olympia. 4x Ms Australia. 3x
IFBB Arnold Classic Champion
“I train with Mark because I believe if you want to be the BEST you have to train with the BEST! When I get in the ring, I want to be confident that I am stronger, faster and fitter than my opponent and training with Mark and his world-class trainers gives me this confidence.”
Andrew Moloney
Commonwealth Games
Gold Medallist. Former WBA
World Champion

Learn the secrets behind selling millions in personal training today

Download the “Bulletproof Method to Selling Millions in Personal Training” now and find out exactly what you need to start your business from someone who’s been there, done that, and built a seven-figure training studio to prove it. 

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"It's not just a program, it's a community"

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"It encapsulates what the industry is in one course"

David Coyne

Personal Trainer

"The depth of learning in the course speaks for itself"

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"It's on a completely other level! - In a league of its own!"


Personal Trainer – Sweat Nation

"The personal training course helped me find clarity on my 10 year plan"


Personal Trainer

"I was shocked! He undervalue this personal training course"


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