Leg Workout Secrets

Mark is teaching the secrets to a proper leg workout to produce the maximum amount of gain, taken from our Elite Results Bootcamp.

When it comes to leg workout, achieving maximal hypertrophy and muscular tension is the goal for many fitness enthusiasts. Mark, a seasoned trainer, will demonstrate how these principles can be applied effectively during lower body exercises. His session with Alexa, focused on techniques and strategies that can help anyone elevate their leg workout to the […]

Muscle Building Mistakes to Avoid

Live session on muscle building mistakes to avoid to produce maximum results, taken from our Elite Results Bootcamp.

Hey, Mark Ottobre here! In this session, I will teach you the key principles of muscle building and how to properly build muscles to produce maximum results. Learn our techniques and methods for achieving head-turning results. In the world of hypertrophy training, it’s essential to distinguish between principles and techniques. A principle is a fundamental […]

Pushing Past Performance Limits

Mark demonstrate his techniques, offering invaluable insights for trainers aiming to push past their clients' performance limits.

Mark demonstrate his techniques, offering invaluable insights for trainers aiming to push past their clients’ performance limits. Mark, a seasoned trainer who has worked with world champions and Commonwealth Games gold medalists, shares his training techniques. This is a part of an Elite Results Boot Camp, where trainers gather to learn Mark’s methods and approaches. […]