
The X Factor. No, Like Seriously, This is Marks X Factor!

Have you ever met someone who almost bonks you on the head and punches you in the face with their words?

Makes you reevaluate life?
What your doing?
Where you’re going?
And why?

As someone who’s worked for Mark for almost three years, I’ve seen him breakdown, inspire and rewire people’s brains for excellence. He has a gift. He would say, it’s part of his purpose for being on the planet.

After 3 years of seeing him work with countless people, including myself, I would do more than agree (I mean that’s part of the reason I’m writing this).

In that three year period, Mark continues to educate and amaze me about how deeply he thinks about human behaviour and the reason for why we do what we do. Be that good choices or bad, Mark teaches you how to understand your values and beliefs which ultimately form your identity. And it’s your identity that allows possibility into your life.
This is where Wolfpack gets interesting. Because if you ask him he will say everything is mindset and if you aren’t ready for it, then all the technical training in the world won’t help. We need to get the ‘Meta-program” right first.

Let’s just say, the mindset days in Wolfpack always leave the class uplifted and often completely unexpected in terms of the personal growth that the Wolfpack members go through.

Who’s It For?

Personal trainers and coaches who…

  • Want to grow and transform themselves AND completely revolutionise their business.
  • Are ready to get rid of the nonsense monkey chatter in their brain so that they can go out and kick some arse, without holding back.
  • Want to see their dreams with crystal clarity and know exactly where they’re heading.
  • Want to learn how to reward and motivate themselves so that they never feel as though they’re about to burn out again.
  • Want to know thyself and to live a fulfilling life, in accordance to their highest values.  
  • Want to transform their relationships and be able to understand and connect with people on a deeper level.

Who’s It NOT For?

Personal trainers and coaches who…

  • Believe that personal development is a bunch of crap that’s only for hippies.
  • Think they’re above personal development.
  • Have no interest in growth and are closed off to learning.
  • Those who do not want to become a better person for their clients, employees, family members and friends.

What you’ll learn..

  • What your values are and how to use them to your greatest advantage.
  • A number of self assessment tools that will give you clarity as a trainer and business person AND you can use these tools with your clients to help them achieve their goals.
  • How to create a personal standard that ensures that you set the example and and are taken seriously by your clients and prospective clients.
  • How to determine what other people’s values so that you can speak to these values and better communicate with them.
  • How to break down the walls and inspire someone to make changes to the point that they are still thanking you for it years down the track.
  • How to build self-worth and self respect. Without this, your career as a trainer will be unfulfilling and become unsustainable.
  • How to reward and give to yourself so that you can keep on giving to those around you (including your clients).
  • The “Be Do Have” model that explains how to inspire change ‘for good’ in your clients  

Wolfpack has allowed me to be the person I need and want to be to handle the
challenges we face as business owners, a new family and growing our team.

Annette Shepherd








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