How To Deal With Food Guilt | A Mindset Shift



You’ve been hard at it on your diet. Or perhaps you are not even on a diet, you’ve just been eating really well, then, BOOM! It hits you.

Any other night, you will tell your stomach, ‘buddy, we just ate dinner, settle down’. But tonight, they make a good case…
[Insert food bomb of choice here]

So you gave in to your hedonistic pleasure and for a moment, you become a person of the ‘stomach’.

But hey, you there?

YES, you, the person actually read this – you are not your stomach. You are not your neuro-transmitters giving signals to devour everything in sight, and you are not your hormones insisting that you’re still hungry.

You are you. But like most people, you make meanings out of things that inherently have none.

So you ate a whole chocolate cake, my question is; what are you making it mean?

That you are supposed to fat?
Weight loss is hard?
You can’t stick to a diet?
You’re a loser?

Nonsense, I say.

How about just making it mean, “I guess I like chocolate cake more than I thought”. Laugh about it and MOVE ON!

Don’t stay stuck in perceived bad choices. It will do you no favours.

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Transcript From Food Guilt video

Due to the nature of transcriptions, we cannot guarantee accuracy, spelling or grammar. We provide the transcription as a way to skim through the content and as revision notes.

This transcription will contain errors.

So have you ever had a goal where you’re working so well towards it and then all of a sudden it’s 10:00 at night and you eat a big nice chocolate bar and you feel really bad about it. You’ve got all these food guilt associated with it. Well, hi, my name is marketo written. In this video I’m going to be talking today about food guilt. So let’s talk about guilt first. Guilt is an emotion and to fill it, it’s a remembered emotion. So to to feel guilt, you have to remember something that you’ve done in the past. So that’s where your judgment and perception around what you’ve done has caused you more harm than good. So in this case of what we’re talking about you, you’re working well towards your goal, maybe your, your. You’re prepping for a show and now you’ve, you’ve, for whatever reason it is, you’ve woken up at 10:00 at night and you’ve devoured and entire pantry of goodies, and now you’re feeling pretty bad because you’ve self sabotage you to goal.

Now let’s look at that situation for a moment. What usually happens after that? Well, usually people continue, they continue with that food guilt and it’s actually food guilt that keeps them stuck and in that state of stasis and continues them eating the wrong foods and doing the wrong things because ultimately I think what happens is is you set a commitment to yourself. You’ve said, I’m going to do something and you’ve broken that commitment and because you’ve broken that commitment, you’ll feel bad because you’ve broken your word, which some people might say, well that’s it. That’s a good thing. You should feel bad because it’s going to put you back on track, but only if it actually worked. So my advice in terms of coaching a food guilt and that kind of thing, always to first understand why it happens. Okay? And it could have happened for a variety of different reasons and you need to understand the difference between the act and I suppose the actor, right?

So you, you, yourself, you need to separate what you did in terms of eating everything in the Pantry as just an isolated at an event. I need to ask questions around, well why? Why did I eat those foods of that? And it could be multiple truths of different reasons why you did and this is where self analysis is a really great tool to really uncover why you do these, these behaviors. So let’s start with if you are going through a stressful period. I know I’ve gone through many stressful periods in my life going through one right now actually. And I found myself the other night in front of the pantry eating a few different things that I perhaps shouldn’t have if I’m trying to get super lean and stick to my goals. And I reflected on the day that I had and I thought, Aha, you know, I’m essentially self medicating right now.

I’m, I’m ramping up Serotonin by eating sugary and telling my brain that it’s okay to come down the, the war is over kind of thing, right? So this is where you need to look at why you’re doing those things. If you’re eating late at night and late night snacking because of malnutrition or your diet doesn’t have the right nutrients happening. Continuing regularly, you want to look at your diet in context of what’s actually going into your body from the course of the day or course of the week and why is it always happening at times, you know, and then when you do, I suppose get rid of guilt and you collapse. Any emotions that are around guilt, it’s then that you have most options is when you have self reflection. You have most options, not when you feeling guilty, when you feeling guilty about things you only have wrong, right?

When you’re feeling open to the lesson that’s learning and get rid of the food guilt because food guilt will make you feel more food guilt and food guilt ultimately will make you feel more obliged to do something that you can’t do and perhaps you even living outside of your value is trying to do something that perhaps isn’t really the most important thing to you, but not getting rid of the guilt. You Open yourself up to strategies for coping. So let’s say for example, you might say, well, I’m going to eat better foods. We’re going to supplement with something later in the day, maybe five htp or and also told, well, magnesium to calm down my brain, I’m going to change my nutrition and there put cabs at the end of the day rather than start of the day. So my brain gets that, uh, that better feeling so I can sleep better.

I’m going to change my training around, maybe rest more, do some breathing, do some yoga, speak to a friend as a routine thing before night. You have a lot more options there, but it ultimately comes from self reflection. Now, depending on what you’re going through and could have very valid reasons for self-medicating. Let’s say at night with food. A lot of people do drugs, some people deal with alcohol, but understanding why you do it, I think he’s more important because then you have options to change your actions in terms of what you’re doing. So in summary, if you’re quote unquote self sabotaging through late night eating and feeling really, really guilty about it, just stop, stop feeling the guilt. Look at what you’re doing objectively and understand that every time you feel the guilt, it’s only going to spar with you in to more food guilt. It only is useful if it helps you get back on track and usually in my experience of working with people, it doesn’t, so enjoy the light night snacks rather than making yourself feel guilty.

Get over it and you know, get back to plan first thing Monday morning, reinstate your word to yourself and you can do that with very small actions. You know you say, I’m going to make my bed this morning and you make your bed. You gotta. Give yourself small instructions that reinvigorate your command because discipline ultimately is given yourself a command and following through and doing that enough times will make your word ironclad and look, it happens to the best of us. It happens to the best competitors. Get over it, move forward. Don’t focus on the event. It was only a small thing in portion of time. You can get through it. Just keep moving and creating actions. Thanks for watching. If you need a hand, reach out to us at enterprise info. What enterprise until next time, train hard, supplement smart and eat well.


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