Learn The Business Systems, Principles and Practices of a Personal Training Enterprise!

For the first time ever, outside of my Wolfpack program, I am teaching a 2 day seminar on my most effective systems, principles and practices that built my Personal Training Enterprise.

Why should you care? Good question.

In the words of Ron Burgundy, “I’m kinda of a big deal”.

(At least I like to think so).

Jokes aside, I’ve been a trainer and in business for over a decade. In that time, I’ve created several businesses; some were absolute failures, while others, wild success stories. I’ve had the up’s and down’s and the real world experience in both training clients and creating businesses.

I would like to think my success as a trainer and strength coach is equalled to my success in business. For me, you can not have one without the other. Hence, I am not one of these trainers or ‘entrepreneurs’ who likes to go around bragging about how much money they make, I would rather tell you of my clients success. However, as it’s relevant to know my business success (if that’s what I am claiming to be able to teach) I will mention that my business does generate handsomely into the seven figures and many of my senior staff members are in the top income percentile.

Not bad from a kid who started out his career earning $16.75 an hour, working at Genesis in Ringwood.

My two main businesses today are Enterprise Fitness and Wolfpack. Enterprise is my personal training studio and Wolfpack (the site you’re on now) is my 12-month education and mentoring program for personal trainers which is changing the industry.

In 2016 my team and I conducted over 12,000 hour long personal training sessions and 48 days of seminars and education. By the way, I employ my trainers which means I don’t just get my trainers to pay me weekly rent and be done with it. Having to hire and manage staff means that as a business, we need to be consistently building and strengthening relationships, this along with training and developing staff; are all a huge part of business that most people miss.

What you’ll learn from me in my two day intensive:

• How I went from earning a measly $16.75 an hour to building my Personal Training Enterprise
• Leadership principles that I live by to manage my expanding team of 14 top performers.
• How we charge several times above our competitors, yet remain almost always fully booked
• How I’ve developed a systemised sales process to sell thousands of dollars worth of personal training as the standard transaction
• How to package up your services for high profits and high success of your clients
• How to build your worth and reputation as a trainer
• Insight into what it takes to build, run, manage and grow a personal training studio
• Open Q & A to ensure your burning questions get answered

What you won’t learn from me:

I’m not going to tell you it’s easy. I’m not going to lie. I’m not going to pretend that growing and scaling your business is at all logical. In fact, I’m going to tell you that you need passion, to be inspired and focus on what you can do to serve your customers. I’m also not going to suggest you become an online trainer to scale or make more money. For most trainers today, they go online way to early in their careers and for all the wrong reasons. In short, teaching trainers how to be ‘online’ is nothing more than a ‘trend’ trainers who never made it as trainers do to make a quick buck.

I teach business. Not trends.

Without blowing my own trumpet (too much), I often get praise from business folk who compliment me on our culture and team. My favourite is; “Mark, you’re team… Why are they all so nice? I mean, they’re all like really good people”.

It’s not by accident. I didn’t somehow fall over dozens of hardworking people who just happened to want to work for me. Teams need to be inspired and that comes from the leader. So if you’re head isn’t in the game as the leader, then in business, there’s really no point in showing up at all.

As trainers, we’re in the business of people. So regardless of if you want to one day grow your business to have staff or want to be charging premiums to your clients for your expertise and worth, you need to understand and lead people.

In the class of Wolfpack 2016, I thought it would be a good idea to professionally interview and film the students going though the program. It was an experiment that could have ended up wasting a large amount of money. Fortunately for me, what I got back was worth more than money. Many of my students had tears of gratitude for what I had done for them.

Many would call me a perfectionist and obsessive. I would rather think of myself as inspired. Personally, I don’t take myself seriously and will poke fun at myself all day. Professionally, I am deadly seriously about what I do and fully intend on making a massive impact on the personal training and fitness industry.

Until today, I’ve kept my business knowledge locked away and under wraps to only the chosen few who invest 12 months of time and a handsome fee.

A very close friend of mine suggested I should probably get out more and teach more if I want to make the impact I am after. So today for the first time ever, I have put together a Personal Training Business and Professional Mastery event for trainers who are looking to learn from me.

Normally for something like this I would charge around $3000. However, as I don’t want price to be a barrier for any trainer who needs what I am teaching; you can spend two days with me for just $500.

Also, call it arrogance if you must, BUT I know once you learn from me, I’ll have raised the bar for what is possible as a personal trainer, which will inspire the kind of change I want to see in this industry.

And what do my staff say about me?

In 2016 I hosted a Ball at Crown Melbourne. As part of the Ball, my super creative and awesome assistant Liz created a series of videos. One of which was the teams honest opinion about me.

Mark Ottobre
Owner and Director of Enterprise Fitness
Alpha Wolf of Wolfpack

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