Why Having Coffee Post-Training Is A Bad Idea

Why Having Coffee Post-Training Is A Bad Idea

This will make you rethink having coffee post-training ???????????????? Every now and then you hear a “piece of advice” touted in the training community that is 100% absolutely bonkers! New trending advice is to have a fresh cuppa coffee post workout. This advice is just plain stupid. Enjoy my rant here, I get into some […]

How To Deal With Food Guilt | A Mindset Shift

food guilt

FOOD GUILT?   You’ve been hard at it on your diet. Or perhaps you are not even on a diet, you’ve just been eating really well, then, BOOM! It hits you. GIVE ME THE FOOD! Any other night, you will tell your stomach, ‘buddy, we just ate dinner, settle down’. But tonight, they make a […]

Antioxidants and Fat and Water Soluble Nutrients


Learn how antioxidants and fat and water soluble vitamins work in the body with this visual demonstration. I find visual metaphors both fun and create memorable learning moments for our students in Wolfpack. That’s why as part of Wolfpack, we also teach an introduction to the wonderful world of Muscle Testing.  Our nutrition and supplementation […]

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