Charles Poliquin – An Interview On The Poliquin Legacy

The first article I ever read from Charles Poliquin was when I was 14 on T-Nation. I remember thinking back then; one day I want to meet this guy and one day I will author on this site. Years later, I achieved both goals; but it was learning from Charles Poliquin that helped me achieve the latter goal.

I booked in to see Charles Poliquin for what I was thinking would be my final seminar with him this November. I mean, my first seminar with Charles was in late 2009 so after many years of learnings from him, I wanted to go back and sit at the feet of a great mentor in class as a kinda ‘goodbye’ and to reflect on my own personal growth from his impact on my life.

I’m incredibly…. (I don’t have words) to hear of the sudden passing. I had recorded this podcast with Charles in 2014, strangely, it was all about his legacy. It’s been on Youtube for 4 years, however, iTunes does that thing and deletes old content, so I thought today would be timely to rerelease it today.

Listen to the Interview with Charles Poliquin on iTunes or Soundcloud:


I was really looking forward to November as I knew, our schedules probably wouldn’t align again for many years. I was going to use it as my opportunity to say thank you and an almost goodbye. I also wanted to let him know; I hope to carry the torch you have lit for so many trainers and strength coaches around the world. I wanted to show you what you helped inspire.

Charles Poliquin set me a goal of how many sessions that Enterprise Fitness should hit weekly to be considered a world-leading standard of studios… At first, I thought he was joking. I am incredibly grateful that I got to tell him Enterprise achieved that just before he passed- I just wish I got to say it in person

Charles to many it seemed unreasonable.. I know there were times I wanted to scream because I thought he was being unfair in his expectations. In hindsight, it was that unreasonableness that forced me to be better.

Thank you for making me (so much) better.

I am very grateful that I got to do this podcast with Charles Poliquin in 2014. To those listening, I apologise for our audio not being to the same standard of how we do things today, but have a listen- for those that loved Charles as I did, it will simultaneously bring a tear and a smile to your face so I had to share this for those that needed to hear it again.. Or maybe I just need to hear it again…

Rest in peace Strength Sensei.

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Transcript From Charles Poliquin – An Interview On The Poliquin Legacy video

Due to the nature of transcriptions, we cannot guarantee accuracy, spelling or grammar. We provide the transcription as a way to skim through the content and as revision notes.

This transcription will contain errors.

Ladies and gentlemen, today is a sad day in the world of strength, fitness, and performance. We lose a true legend today. Charles Poliquin Charles has had an amazing impact on my career and I mean so many other people’s careers and um, you know, this, this for me is quite. Yeah, it’s quite an unknown. I don’t really have the words I really wanted to say goodbye to Charles and I booked into November’s course because I just had a feeling that maybe November would be his last and it would kind of be the last time that I get to say thank you and actually goodbye in person to Charles and now I don’t, I don’t, I don’t get that chance. And um, you know, Charles, where everyone out. Thank you sir. Thank you so much for raising the standard. Being the example and really putting trainers on the map and legitimizing this industry and yeah, through, through all the haters, through all the difficulties that you insisted with and persisted with rather.

No, you really did rise above and you, you made an impact. And listening back to this interview, I think those of you who know Charles will find it tough listing for this interview and in a good way, not in a bad way, but you’re really remember the guy for the legend that he is and he talks about in this interview what he wants to be remembered as. And Charles, I think you definitely accomplished that. So thank you. This interview was done in 2014 and um, I really hope you enjoy it. I haven’t edited it since it’s got the same intro as what I did when I edited it. It got taken off itunes because it’s an old interview. Um, but I thought today, well, you know, we’ve been trying to get rerelease our, our podcasts, you know, that I did back in the day in 2011 to 2016. Some of them still available, some of them are not. But yeah, well this one, given the day I thought, well, we’ve got to rerelease this and um, share it with the people. So thank you Charles. Thank you for everything. You’ve impacted my life. You’ve made me better. You’ve made so many other people better and for that we’re just all those. You’ve got to know you and learn from you. We’re all very blessed, so thank you. We love you and may he rest in peace.

This podcast is proudly brought to you by enterprise fitness Melbournes premium personal training studio. Hey folks, it’s Mark Ottobre. Mark and welcome to the show that punches you in the face with information, but in a good way. And today’s guest is Charles Poliquin, the Muhammad Ali of the strength and conditioning world. Charles has left a legacy on health, fitness, and strength, having trained a multitude of strength coaches and personal trainers around the globe. He has raised the standards of health, fitness, and worldwide Polak. One is where the leaders of this industry turned to for advice and with good reason, having trained countless Olympic medalist and a multitude of a multitude of different sports and more world champions, and you can poke a stick at Charles is the real deal. Today’s podcast is about our Charles Poliquin became Charles Poliquin, one of the world’s most, if not the world’s most successful strength coach with greatness and influence over an industry comes and mixture of support and challenge.

And in today’s show I don’t want to ask questions about, Hey Charles, what nutritional supplements do you recommend or a child? What training protocol can you recommend to help my bench press know that information is out there and to do a service for yourself, I’d highly recommend you get yourself down to a lecture. The records that Charles is running, you go any sites to find out where that is, just get yourself down there. No. Today’s show is for the real fans, the ones that will still be here in 10, 20 years. So if that’s you, I thank you for tuning in today. We find out how Charles became Charles. It was Sir Isaac Newton who said, stand in. Stand on the shoulders of greatness, not in the shadows or stand in other ways. Say it. Stand on the shoulders of giants, not in their shadows. For what does that really mean?

Well, to me, uh, in a lot of other people, Charles is a giant in this industry, so I hope this interview gives you, this interview is, is here to inspire you to see where someone like Charles who has absolutely achieved greatness in the field of health, strength, and conditioning, how’s how Charles Poliquin started and I’ll hope from learning about his story and inspires you to do your own unique thing in whatever field that may be for you. So I will let you enjoy the podcast and I will speak to you guys on the other side of this awesome podcast. Alrighty. Welcome Charles. Welcome to the show. Absolutely. Pleasure to have you on today. Obviously we’ll be talking more about, you know, everyone always asks you questions about how to train, how to diet, all these kinds of things. What I wanted to do today was really reflect, reflect on your career and the amazing career that it’s been so far. So I wanted to start with an easy question. Um, what was it like for you growing up as a kid?

Uh, I’m a recovering Catholic, so I grew up a family of eight kids. I mean, it’s good. Um, we, my father was a journalist so he was very well educated, spoke nine languages, and my mother went back to school which was 46, became a lawyer. She still at eight kids out. Um, so, you know, I’ve learned the value of working hard from a very early start.


it was good. We, my father was big into education, you know, didn’t show it down our throats, but like I said, I’ve learned the value of it from him.

And um, we uh, uh, and of course

having multiple siblings, give them quite a few skills for life. And then, um,

so you were, that you were the youngest or

shift and then we lived in France for two years, which expose us to, again, different cultures. My father was begging through thinking Sunday trips, so we drove to Belgium, Switzerland. We stayed in Spain for two months. So very early on I get to appreciate other cultures and other languages. So I think it’s really good for a child to see that more in your neighborhood or your country and very few people that I meet, I mean not my students, but traveling overseas and I’m always amazed that some people have never left their town. Less familiar employees when that used to work in without that only sell the state of Rhode Island, Massachusetts and I was at and they explained it there. Yeah.

So did you play sports as a child? What led you to a. I did a lot of martial arts early on.

And then in again, there you, you learn discipline, hard work, especially the sensei add, nourished. Got It was quite tough. I’m not sure. I mean if you did today, where do you did back then? We probably when I got arrested, but for us in Ghana and I went to hockey mentality. Well if things get, get accepted there, you know like hitting your students. For me to get hit by a bamboo stick on a calf or a no risk if I was not aligned properly, to me it was normal. I would do that nowadays I’d be in jail. So thing is, is that you learn very early on, there’s no such thing as add get hit with a baton boosting your memory pretty dramatically.

Yeah. And so you did martial arts. How, how, how far did you take that as a child? It’s still something you practice today.

Youngest every black belt in karate. And then after that, once it became, it became a black belt in that and that then six different ones.

So as a child you started, what age did you start a module? A 10th. So from there that really, would you say that that was the entry point into health and fitness that basically sparked your interest on how to punch hot or I suppose was. Is that how the story goes? That

the way I got into that is that you’re getting. As a kid, I was very disciplined. So one day they announced a snow storm on the news. I didn’t know to miss. So I get up an hour earlier, I knew the buses wouldn’t be running and I walked to the Dojo and the snow snow up to my mid thigh showed up. I was the only kid who showed up, so my sensei said, well, if you won’t get a workout now dragging on because there’s no buses. Sure. So what are you going to do? Is gonna lift weights and back then and get realized in 1975 lifting weights was for Weirdos. But oddly enough, Bruce Lee was into lifting weights and boosie was st everybody in martial arts world at listing always made you faster charter, blah, blah blah. And My sensei was big into lifting weights. So I worked out with them and then I was a bit by the bug. Wait, a small weight room or the size of my dining room in the corner, but though Joe and lifted there and then my brother take good care of you. The second oldest one gave me some guy owed him money. I couldn’t pay him. So upm with weights. Cheap Sim it field plastic discs are the same. So as I made pocket money, I would buy metal weights,

no few pounds

here and there. That sort of built a weight room in my house, in my mother’s basement. And then, um,

by age 17 I was big enough that I bought my first Lego set and I bought me look good shifts from working as a busboy in Sushi restaurants, I guess. Then we get threes illiquid ways, but you realize I’m look or set isn’t exactly cheap and it’s 17 says means commitment came across a welder. We made homemade equipment. So I started to make homemade equipment and then train them on that. And then I got into University of very young. I was 17 when I was training in a weight room and the guy, national volleyball team say, you’re pretty strong, can you help me out my programs? And you as my first client, it turns out he was on one of the best volleyball players in the world. And then a friend came next summer, then Mr friend. And then, uh, by the time I was 21, they offered me to, um, trans national volleyball team. So that was my first national team contract. There’s also the first time that anybody in Canada, every paid got paid to be a strength coach for the federal government. And I get a whopping $400 for the year, but you gotta realize that back then there was no strength coaches and the industry has moved a lot. I remember when I went to get my ca, cscs


the average salary for strength coach in the US at that time was $15,000. So do the math. It’s about seven bucks. Fifty an hour. If they were going to college level, that’s probably more like four bucks an hour. So nowadays efficient coaches make 75 and the same guys that make half a million plus car plus tuition for a kids meal allowance, probably around more like $750,000 a year. So the industry has changed a lot, but I’ve been through it all. As you moved through the years,

so as a child when you were doing martial arts, did you have a dream of being a martial artist? That was the dream always there to develop nutrition training and cell phone message methods and then travel the world teaching them?

No, actually at my kid everyone did Tarzan’s job, so he had a pretty cool job. You have to get dressed to go to work safe. You know, people from the bad guys live in the jungle. It took me a while to realize it was in the job. All kidding aside, that Captain America is pretty cool kid. We had heroes and then superior rose for. I’m sure as a kid, I can’t remember admiring strength, but very much so. One French Canadian culture because it really sear for centuries. Men were strongly admired. So you know, in France they are admired for bad breath and smoking.

They’re mired for being. So, you know, as a kid where you can integrate school, they would tell us folk stories. They’re guys that are very strong or powerful. I mean it was a guy that he was famous for winning all these firefights and I remember in grade two reading a paper, like he was a kind of a magazine for kids and there’s an article that guy to kick people in the head really well. He was a French Guinea in Europe, so a lot different from country to country. So strength has always been phrased and you know, the guys, for example of my father’s village, Thurston, is, they would put a horse in her back and climbed up a telephone pole, ensure to show how strong strength was all over my culture. It was a church like that too. I mean there’s quite a few cultures admire strength and Finland or Iceland.

Strength is admired in some countries who don’t give a shit. But uh, so when you have that in mind as far as the nutrition, my father used to read Al Davis, which was one of the first popular nutritionist because of the journalist you went to your press conference butter. But then my father got into like the high protein breakfast you want in the Crusades or weren’t allowed to leave out unless you’re at high protein. And basically for him, his father was a butcher and the greg let her grandfather was a nightmare. Yeah. Milk, eggs, meat, you know, we’re a staple as a kid. So luckily for me, I didn’t grow up on Jackson Cocoa puffs.

Was there a moment for you where you basically said, oh yeah, because it sounds to me like you had a few different avenues you could have basically gone into a sport or a discipline like martial arts and developed yourself as an athlete, but you went the part, the other part you went the path of a coach, so was. Was there something that influenced that path of going from part when they start to if

weights, you know, I just got. This is what happened. I grew up Catholic, so Catholic kids, you got to go to church and I had to go to church on Sundays and I hated it. To be frank, that’s how it was so boring. I thought it was a critical people sitting at church outside the church. I wasn’t really impressed. And then one day I said, I said, screw that. I’m not going. So beside the church there was a university and university library, so it was basically 400 meters from it. So instead of going to church at 10, at 10, it was a university library and I went into magazine section and it came across in Belgium. Periodical safety protocol called kinesiology and the first article I ever wrote was an arthritis in the knee surgery. Uh, Catholics are telling me, always God getting your message, but what’s your path at all?

But I got really interested. So then I said, okay, is there anything on weight training? So I learned how to use the back then, I mean there was no internet. We use the dewey classification index, which actually was invaded by Edgar Hoover, the FBI guy. So I went upstairs and I read everything they add in French on weight training, body building, weightlifting. Didn’t take long, maybe eight or nine books because he was. Not that Bob, there’s a topic, but interesting enough as I have those books now, I bought them in some of these guys at better stuff than what’s coming out and Muslims. And it sits well. For example, we’ll talk about band and a dance or I could show you a book from 1948. Well the guys using bands attached to weights. So, you know, it’s Kinda ironic when people claim all these things.

So I read these books and then I guess we’re talking about eccentric training and pause, isometrics. And so, and then I said, well I got to read more and there was only stuff in English. So I said, well, I better learn how to speak English, so has some English at school. So I would read blood, the dictionary, and of course at Kent to look like church goes at 10:50 and have my second breakfast the owner ever noticed for years. And then one day my father says, okay, you guys do whatever you want to go to church and then it’ll be three years since I’ve gone. But I kept the masquerade forever. And then, um, me, um, by then I spoke English fluently, then I start to notice it. The best stuff was German says, okay, I’ll learn German. So I taught myself German and I was 21. I took German formerly after my Undergrad and studied it. And then I linked rushing, which didn’t really give me an advantage because it takes too long to be proficient in Russian too. But what I did find was German translations of Russian books. So because you know, the, the East Germans back then we’ll get the information from the Russians and that’s basically all I educated myself as strength training because at the university you can anthropology degree. We were in four years, we had about half an hour on strength training.

Back is aerobic, aerobics, aerobics, aerobics, aerobics ways you’re going to die in a patellar tendon. Cancer. I mean it was so very, very much the, the app cost of your cloth. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I was the Weirdo and then it was a weight room, you know, a really small weekend for university. I only the football players and the closet meatheads with training there. And once I finished my degree weight training and started to become popular. So this is like 1982. So like there was an economic crisis

back then, so I got a heartbeat university but I had like seven jobs, seven part time jobs. And what I did is I convinced the athletic director, you improve the way that I got to weight rooms and upgraded the equipment. Was it by 1984? And then I made the money. I mean, university money because this first time we’re actually making money. They were charging $32 a semester to train their students, which is obviously that much, but it became very, uh, very rewarding for you mercy. And then by then I would say mid [inaudible] 84 was a turning point in the industry. So That’s one strength coaching started to become accepted as a thing and then more and more guys would do strength organics or national teams.

What do you think? 80 four. What happened in [inaudible]? Ninety four that, that switch the industry

I think in the US was the La Olympics game


to the US. So there was like, okay, we need to produce what the, the bad communist guys do that we don’t do. And the Russians lift the weights and lift weights and we don’t and we should. So what happened is that a lot of Canada’s track coaches in swimming, coaches, diving coaches, gymnastic coaches, rashy refugees from the Congo this block, right? So they were like, hey, where’s the weight room? What do you mean? And so then people got into adding weight loads. And so that was a change in the industry, a big change in attitude.

So you’ve spoken before about the search for the perfect program and I think you said once in the nineties you thought you found the perfect program and you realize you started training everyone using the same system and then you had a realization that there is no such thing as the perfect program. Um, so when was it that you realized that there is no such thing as a perfect program? And um, yeah,

no, actually it was in 82. I got true friends, copies of every world record holder in powerlifting is programmed. So myron scholes helped me out and yet his friend Mike Lambert given programs and through a lot of begging, bing or whatever else, they get copies from the communist block on weight lifting. So I did a Meta analysis of everybody. That’s awesome. Coming trends where I screwed up was actually in [inaudible] 92 after having five medalist at the Olympics. I thought that discovered the best way to train and turned to the others around this because there was too much variation in it. It only took me a summer to figure out that I screwed up, took me four months, but then after that,

so they say, good job Mr. Cook from experience, experience comes from bad judgment, so made bad judgments, gaming experience. They came to good judgment and that’s when I realized that there was three types of athletes. Other Co, I didn’t bend a concept. I mean bond are checked out. A book that talks about that and basically you have volume respondents, you’ve got variation respondents and yet intensity responsible why we’re talking about the strength training world. So after that I started to change my philosophy and then, I mean always be, always been big in, into, in digitalization training. So far the biggest. Go ahead. I was going to say for the record, how many gold medalists, Linda Goldman, Goldman, that then many. Uh, I don’t even remember. Uh, at least in the medalists police it’s 17 different sports as an average is probably between 50 and 60. I basically they’ve been bought or counting.

The ones that I know is that 10. The ones I’m most proud of, his world record only works and that’s in 10 different sports. The reason why I’m more proud of that than metals is that if you run swim, lift, whatever, the fastest in the world and no other humans are done it for me. That’s something to be proud of. To win an Olympic goal. Yeah, you, it’s great, but you were the best gun in that. David doesn’t mean best guy in the world, right? Yeah. Some guys choke out or get injured or they got a family issue which messed up their prep or whatever, but to set a world record, like in speedskating alone in world championships, if he was 94 at 14 or 17 Mellis, so no, that was a big year. Ninety four was a big year for me. I think in [inaudible] 94 and seven world champions at 69, but I remember a female easier coach women, one there’s less competition, but two, they don’t have an ego like guys do. So you tend to listen to what you say. Definitely young males didn’t say I’ll improve it, so the guy didn’t improve what I gave him his together. She went, we’ll check ships. So the thing was after that, once I realized that I was more successful with females, they realize what’s missing in the males. So then I figured out how they motivate them better. So every

it is the growth mindset. You have to look at all the successful coaches. They’re never had, I mean, or the academic or being on the bus, going back to the airport after the Olympics and every single Olympics I went to, I went to three of them. My athletes would give me a report on how they did and what they wanted next. So this girl had just won a bronze medal issues, okay. Literally amherst in through years, I need to win the gold bronze, this is what you need to work on. But she just said one in the middle of the few days before and she was already organizing more year. Next two years. So that’s your common tree. I’ve had. The Guy I worked for was one of the best mentors. There’s even that adult yet he’s had over 286 medals in world cops are real champions and after every Olympic for giving me a report card, literally a, b, c, d, e, f, and he would say like, I’m not happy with this. You’d better change that.

So what was it in the nineties that you really got onto the functional medicine and functional physiology and researching things like this to improve? Or when? When did that really come into play for you?

Uh, probably 95 percent was being to supplements in and maximizing recovery. But in 95 I started to realize, well, there’s more than just protein and carb shakes, you know? So again, to that. And then in 1988 I was invited to take care of functional medicine course and I slipped through the crack was only offered two medical doctors, but some reason I got in and then I met Jeffrey Bland who started the IFM. And then after that it was a big revelation. And so if they’re going to change, I was always used to the concept of working with a team with one segment, a met a few doctors, but also when I worked in Monaco, I meant the first one, the first functional medicine practitioners in the world. He was a French guy and I was amazed at how fast he can make the guys would care with a new member at overtrain, all the guys and selling that basically almost mono from deal retraining and the doctor that and you pull up 60 cc syringes and make these cocktails. I mean there’s nothing been but he shot of everybody and then they all go to bed like nothing had happened. And we went to the gym in this Bob say guy did five. Rm is one or if he’s got a appointment at lunch. I said, doctor, what’s in it? He goes, well, it’s just a thing called the Myers cocktail for this guy. Taking it to the extreme. And then every time he showed up

you had all these, you know, to make guys recovery. And then

I said, you know, the guys have poor concentration because I’ll take this and this is true. Benign ingredients are products available in France. He goes along, they don’t do much, but once you combine them they do great. I was like, really? So I give it to the atmosphere. Wow, this stuff really works. At that time, my girlfriend was standing to be a cop, but she couldn’t remember all the codes for the different types of crimes going on. I said, hey, try this. And then she was blown away. Our short term memory and emotion. Good, steady. So once I got into that, then he showed me things like, for example, vitamin E and my nine tax and profile. Then, and we’re talking your 1993. Okay, this over 21 years ago you said you have too much detail for the car, for all the diction, Gamma Tocopherol, blah, blah blah. And they were on fractions of Tocopherols, which he needs to take this idea yourself iron but taking too much and toxic. Now they’re talking about it if I miss him, but this guy has been saying that since 93 and I remember being in 98 at a conference and uh, Jeffrey Bland said, Ashley Audience, can you take too much for all rose? My aunt, she actually is restricting gamma. I looked into it already, you know that because he was just newly in the literature, but that French guy at all the data and years before everybody else,

maybe there’s the site after that experience, you were hooked and just had to learn more. Hi.

Yeah. And I said, you know,

yeah. You said that a wants a 21. You consulted for the New York giants. Am I getting that right?


Yeah. How did you find yourself as a 21 year old consulting for a major protein?

What happened is that our results. And then so guy strength question giants was johnny Parker and Johnny asked around, and my name was oddly enough, this was before the Internet. My name came up a few times. He, this guy’s very young, but he’s pretty smart. So you call me and oddly enough the next day the strength coach for the Denver Broncos call me, flew me in for consults and both teams met and the superbowl that year, so at number one and two like a consultant for, but by age 21 because I had learned quite a few things about sets and reps and I was ahead of the game at I think mathematically give entirely the credit to Pierre. I knew the math, the right math for sets and reps, tempo restrooms I was doing temple was maybe 19 years old, right. And then so that was very, very young and now it’s like 50 percent of strength coaches do that. So I was ahead of the curve

probably 20 years before it reveals. A lot of it had to do with the fact that I could speak German and you know, I would spend all my spare money, I would go to Finland, I would go see Dr Comi then it go see Dr Schmidt Blacker in Freiburg University in Germany. So I invested a lot of money, like all my top students do what? It’s you or nick Mitchell or killing marty individually, one cosimo all the guys who lead the industry or any industry for that matter are information junkies, but the biggest differences that we apply those guys a lot of seminar, but I can tell about our business that the learn but don’t apply. So I applied knowledge not applied as a waste of time in my app. So I, uh, I learned early on that you need. So you know, I read 16 hours a week minimum on a training this week is my week off from work. She ended up eating third reading 30 to 40 hours. What would you say that. So I was gonna ask, what would you say was your breakthrough moment in your career? The inflection point. There’s probably 92 after, you know, going to the Olympics. So just the fact that you go to the Olympics is different than sending people. So the government recognize that having a strength coach there could make a difference. So they took me over

and then that’s Canada, one, seven metals and that winter sport and five will be medalists remind. So after that, in their market value is so my name got into the paper quite a bit and then the national teams who had not red yet all offered me positions and add a lot of part time jobs, you know, and I would. So that’s why I got to do a lot of national teams. But I think once I switched from summer sports or winter sports was, which there was a v eight. I mean there’s, there, there’s always a few inflection points,


I would say 92 is the greatest. Where for example, one hockey team hired me not to work in hockey. So they paid me for a year and basically I was told don’t work. And I asked the guy, why, why are you paying not to use it? I want you to help anybody out. I’m restructuring the team. I don’t want you to increase market belly declared. I mean it’s rare that here that you get paid not to work. So, um, and then 95, the Internet started to get popular. I remember being at a conference and somebody asked me for my email address, let me know. And the, it was just starting with and then, uh, now, I mean we get emails to our phone, you know, so uh, and you know, my daughter, she doesn’t know that at to expand there, there was not an email as a kid or cellphones or, and then we’ve become,

I mean, for example, today I was reading a piece where the guys, just time management is dead. And I said that’s true because when I was starting starting up, but we’d read books on time management and now these ABC systems and you know, and now it’s like script. It’s you, it’s basically the power of focus. And if I’ve learned something in the last two years is that as I’ve worked way too much. So then what I know now, I would have worked less and probably spent more time educating myself with computers when I was a lot of advantages also in [inaudible] 92, uh, I went to the Olympics, met was coaching a guy, a few skaters. They won medals and then the long trek skaters, hey, can you help us out? So I got a contract with long track speed skating after my success with the short track and then the guy said I would send my programs on the word idiot is why don’t you use a database, so what do you mean?

Like barely knew how to turn on a computer. So for me to write programs on Microsoft was a lot better than typing and writing. So he built me a database, which you mentioned became my strength software. But the point was is that once the database was set, I could write programs in a fraction of the time. So which allowed me to take on more national teams and 92. That was an inflection point technology getting in. I mean there was quite a few things that were synergistic at success at better equipment, but I worked from 86 to 98 in the summers. It was common for me to work 20 hours a day. Wow, that’s great. Obviously we’re going to be spread as well. One thing anybody successful will tell you this high correlation between how hard you work and how successful you are. Absolutely. So you know these things like, oh I got to do a a, a 37 hour week. I mean you still, you still have to do 70 hours, but the thing is is that you have to learn to focus on the one thing. So that book, the one thing by Gary Keller, I think it’s probably the

most important book once you read. I wish I’d written that on. I was 12 years old then by reading the one thing two years ago, I’ve actually been able to work less and less and enjoy more free time. So now my daughter’s old enough for us to spend a lot of quality time together and we enjoy the same things. She loves martial arts. She loves to shoot. She lived with us. So you know, for example, we’re going on a month to Sweden just to do Brazilian Jujitsu and then get a cultural experience. Will see stuff. Excuse me. So let me ask

a principle of life. The closer you get to your goal, the less motivated you can often become to achieve it. So for example, if you want to be a millionaire and you make, let’s say $950,000, you can start to lose motivation because you’re getting very close to your goal. Now, I’ll use that as an analogy because you’ve already undeniably lifts and you’ve built a legacy. Now you undeniably left a legacy on the industry. So I suppose my question is, what is keeping you going? What makes you after all these years? Why are you still pushing the boundaries of what is possible? I mean, you’ve run so many seminars, you’ve written so many books, your blog, all those kinds of things, but your schedule that you keep now, it still isn’t in, it sounds still as intense as it was many years ago.

Well, here’s the deal. If you live your passion, don’t work so


Everything I do, I actually enjoy it and it’s one thing I’ve learned is to delegate more. And then, uh, I would say one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made, whereas not to delegate, right? And then because I wanted things to be done right, which just not very smart. I mean, there’s a lot of guys you could do some of the menial stuff, so once they start to delegate, for example, giving guy contract to make me a software that helped out a lot and then so I can’t see myself retiring. To me, that’s all right.

And the concept that goes into my brain, you know, I mean I can see myself working less in June even more stuff that I enjoyed to do. Right. So go ahead.

I was going to say, so in your eyes, in your career, what do you feel is not, it hasn’t been done yet. So what’s, what’s left not done in your eyes?

Um, this weekend I gave her a private seminar to use to a state university. I’m strength training for football, so I only have the coaching staff and they brought six or seven their best players. They asked me to evaluate them and tell them what to do. It was a great weekend, but I was like, I’m amazed that some stuff she’d be like general knowledge and it’s not yet.


So that keeps me more degraded. Um, I really liked working with the data. The coach brought me in it and his name is David Charles, but a guy who’s like, I can see a lot of me and at his age, one thing I’ve never done, we’re sticking her job in a prose fulltime. I would do one of those jobs that like in soccer, just approve the soccer are retarded itch. You could improve it. I mean they see a sport for a lot of potential. It’s soccer, but one thing we’ve been showing is hitting the ball with your head so often creates add in loss in Icu. So maybe soccer players, you become soccer coaches in soccer. General managers are down from playing soccer.

Yeah, I’ll tell you what, it’d be, it’d be fun to watch if you try, if you coach the team, um, you know, big, big soccer players playing midgets, soccer players basically. I mean, you know, the thing is, is that

I’ve been a pro soccer games and this speed is so slow for what it could be watching paint dry. It’s more exciting watching Emirates. I mean it’s a waste. So I mean, if you, the best thing that could ever do for is take those guys and take them to an nfl locker room and show them a deficient there at. I remember being, I’ve been in the bus, five of the top pro soccer clubs in the world.

When you look at the guys in the locker room and if you told me you had a shoe salesman convention that would believe you, if there’s no indication whatsoever that these guys are athletes, you go to hockey locker room or a rugby locker room or an nfl locker room, you’ll see some studs in soccer. So just to prove a point, I’d like to take it a team for three years. Uh, obviously we would. I just said I’m not going to make friends and influence people, but I would say I would say that’s a sport that could do a lot better. I know we’re short on time. So that’s when I give him a couple of quick questions. What was the biggest challenge you faced along the way in your career? Um, the biggest challenge was, is, is all the myths, like full squat. He’s going injure, you need a, you’re going to get big differ. You’ll get slow. I was able to reverse those myths

in hockey for example, starting Aleke add to go into that, but after four months, no one ever asked those questions ever again. I guess guys that was trained showed a bigger but they were faster, meaner, more feared and we’re winning and every guy that I trained was doubling, tripling their salary so guys would say, Hey, I guess gaining nine kilos helps with your career, so then you guys could put two and two together so you won’t even bother asking the question. And when I stopped, what was interesting, it was one of my biggest selling features from other athletes was like a gold trading with it. You don’t have to do cardio and cardio. That guy and guys would verify the first interview. Is it true you don’t do cardio? That’s right. Cool man. Like well, before they would worry about it and once I built a reputation, one bought her that and then the first year of full squats are bad, my athletic transom shut up, just do what you’re told. And then actually that guys would come in, they wouldn’t even bother to ask you the question or even dare to ask if you don’t want to say, okay, you’ve got a cop cars. That was another one. I mean all the standard myths around had to disprove them. But after awhile, once you have their reputation and those myths don’t even brought up

results. Speak Louder than words. Results speak louder than theories. And what would you want to be remembered for? By the industry?

Well, that’s a good question. I think

one thing has been well demonstrated is that no is at the same level of success in a short amount.

No, no one has had what? Sorry. The same amount of success with Olympians as I did every beat me at that

well so far and not wanting to. As you can close. The guys come with closest. Was it a Norwegian nine? Which I respected a lot, unfortunately. Reasonable. I say respect is, is he passed away. I would still respecting him. Him and I had very similar traits and personality and we didn’t see each other as competitors that we used to have. Share it actually quite a bit. The accordion, it’s probably not in concert information. So we didn’t perceive each other as a threat or competition. So eat for example, taught me a lot on the century training, essential training, but with them you was better at adjusting parameters. He showed me techniques to do, set your dream and never seen was very good man. And we actually used to compete against each other in the same sport, but we were more interested in improving performance in competing against each other. So you know, and there’s a lot of big guys I’ve met recently as a few times. It was the same type of guy and he just cares about lifting more weight so you share it with you. So the, you look at the guys at the top of the game, the IGM zero secrets, we’re going to go with it. And what you’ll find is they’ll show you what they do and they will ask you, ask you what you do.

Yeah. Um,

well you will find that the losers will show you what they do and not asked you what you do. The other guys are doing what results and and they assume that there’s nothing better than them. Absolutely. Was going to eastern Europe to visit a guy is from Romania and he has the most success getting scars to squat. A lot of weight. Success leaves clues. Everybody that goes to club gets very strong. One of them, it does it, so I don’t have to pretension that. I know it all. It’s like if I could spend an afternoon March Houston, I feel like for his gun because more much with cars or vascular disease. If I spend the afternoon Pura, I realize I need to learn about insulin resistance, but I spend, you know, David Prober Monitor. I need to educate myself on the brain. Right? So I think see secrets of success. It is what carol sick calls the growth mindset. So as far as legacy as an epitaph would like to be remembered as the man that brought the, the strength, dream world forward. Know I’ve had so many teachers.


You know, on the tactic. Also granted those teachers. What I’m really proud though, oh well my students do because the strength coaching profession, like I said, 1984 guys made $7 an hour if there were lucky. So now it’s a recognized job and people get paid very well and a lot of people forget that or didn’t even know, didn’t pay well. So, uh, in 1994, the ISP pro strength coach made 150 grand. No number 10 in the US at the college level probably makes 350 grams. So the industry has changed quite a bit and now people value a well strength during the junior for you.

Well, I know all good things must come to an end. I know we’re running short on time. So before we say goodbye, what’s on the cards next for you?

Well, the bioprint is the new system for body composition is doing extremely well and there’s more and more demands. Every class has sold out, so I’m refining the protocols and then trying to refine some of the younger radium so we can pick up more stuff that’s under carriage and we’re looking at doing more work that’s in the plan for the fall. I’ll be working with a top functional medicine doctors in the US to do lectures, so we’re looking at doing lectures with Dr Torres and Dr. we used to on the treatment and the prevention of cardiovascular disease and to Tibialis Syndrome. Then they wanted to put a large emphasis on new fixes, strength during that, so I’ll be teaching the exercise part and these guys were teaching nutrition supplementation meds, so it’s for me to be honored to teach you a top two functioning. I mentioned practitioners in the world, so that’s on the cards. Then of course is the tour with Dimitri calc off in Australia and Canada. I mean Kolkata is a beast and it’s an honor for me to be able to shed a teaching platform with the. Yeah,

I’ve. I’ve signed up to that, so I shall see you guys in Melbourne already make extra gas. Best place for people to learn from you is that strength Sensei, facebook, and the blog

just to facebook, which will lead to my strength saved, saved com a website up.

Cool. Thank you so much. On behalf of the fitness industry, I’d like to thank you for the contribution that you’ve made to strength coaches and personal trainers all around the world. So I thank you Charles. It’s been an absolute pleasure learning from you over these years and also for taking time out of your busy schedule to do the podcast.

Yeah. Well thank you mark. And thank you for the audience for listening.

So there it is guys, the child’s pull up and podcast now. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for awhile and let me just back up for one sec, just in case you’re new to the podcast with me. Always like to give a summary after the shows so you know, just, uh, sit in and listen up because, uh, I’ve always got something interesting to say, but nonetheless, this is something that I’d been wanting to do for awhile since having the podcasting show. And I’ve definitely been fortunate to interview pretty much, uh, you know, all of the people that have really made an impact on the way I go about training, the way I go about doing nutrition, the way I go about doing supplementation and, and consulting. So Charles was really for me, one of the people that I had to interview and obviously now as schedules aligned, although I should say the planets aligned to make this happen.

And finally I got the chance to interview him and I didn’t want to do the standard show for you if you guys could tell I didn’t want to do that. Hey Charles, what supplement should I take? A. I didn’t want to do that show because I believe that, you know, you can get that information from doing a bioprint course with Charles was doing any really cool switch. Charles, you know, he something like, he’s not going to tell you pay for the money you do these courses, it’ll give you the answer, right? So I want to do a show celebrating, uh, the career that, that is Charles pollock, you know, because it, it has been an amazing career if you really look at it and whether you’re a massive advocate of Charles pollock philosophies like I am or someone who’s kind of on the fence or someone who even is maybe a little bit negative towards it.

It’s undeniable the influenced that Charles has had on the industry. Absolutely undeniable. It’s absolutely amazing, uh, what he’s accomplished so that, that is something that should be celebrated and as an example for people starting in this industry of and people who’ve been in the industry like myself for quite a while, what is possible and to have that influence over over the industry and over the way things go. So I really wanted to take his time out just to thank Charles Poliquin fall that he’s done not only for myself, but on behalf of all the strength coaches and trainers around the world. You know, you’ve, you’ve really made a difference in my life from my training, nutrition and supplementation to my business, loss of personally and professionally. Thank you, Charles. Thank you. On behalf of the fitness industry, your absolute gem and obviously, you know, you probably leave a legacy for many years to come and it’s been an absolute pleasure learning from your, uh, over these years and having your, my podcasting shows.

So thank you. Um, and for the guys who are new to this podcast, I’m maximus, mark a marketer, be maximus marketery and I’ve got a blog which is www dot maximus,, right. It’s also streams on itunes and we’ve also got the enterprise fitness blog, uh, which is hosted an enterprise So you can check that out as well. I run obviously a personal training studio called [inaudible] fitness in Melbourne. We run internships over there and we run two different internships. We do, how to train the female and, uh, basically a general internship for personal trainers wanting to expand their knowledge and in both the courses are very different so you can check those out at our websites. Additionally, I’ve interviewed, as I said before, a lot of different guests from Johnny bad and Dr John Demartini, Andre [inaudible], who was actually Charles, his first assistant, Derek Woodskey, Scott Abel [inaudible], Bruce Jones, Lia Khe, Dr Veiny.

I mean the list goes on and on and on and now it looks like the WHO’s who list and health, fitness and nutrition. So get yourself over, check it out. It has absolutely gone and my information on there, it’s all content rich. I know you guys will love it, but yeah, just if you would leave a review on itunes to help out ranking, that’d be much appreciated. And if you liked me interviews that also you can share them on facebook until I speak to you on the next podcast or a blog post. I want you guys to supplement smart, train hard and. Well. So there it is guys, the child’s pull up and podcast. So if you’re still listening to this,

we’re back. It’s markets. I agree. Yeah, I mean that’s, that, that podcast now is, um, it’s, it’s difficult to listen to. I didn’t want to, didn’t want to edit the outro. The intro, I wanted to leave it as is when I released it, but yeah, I suppose today has left me speechless.

Folks shows you how short life is and you’ve got a little bit to the absolute fullest and um, you know, do you want to learn? You want to step up if going to do the things you want to do in life, you want to be great, you got to take charge. So, um, enterprise will be running an event in tribute of Charles. Stay tuned to our blog for details about that.

And um, yeah, I don’t really have much else to say. So I’m going to go peace out my friends and train hard supplements. Smart and eat well.

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