How to Become a Magnetic Personal Trainer

In this video, discover exactly how to become a highly sought after personal trainer and grow your business.


  1. How to build a cult-like following of raving fans who refer you to all of their friends and family.
  2. What to do if you want high paying clients to approach you, instead of you approaching them.
  3. How to start becoming a well-respected authority figure in your marketplace or gym, even if no one has ever heard of you yet.

This is your chance to stop desperately chasing down new clients.

Transcript From How to Become a Magnetic Personal Trainer with Mark Ottobre

(This transcription may contain errors)

Hello folks, my name is Mark Ottobre, and as always in this video I’m going to be teaching you how to go from being a good personal trainer to be a great personal trainer. So, let’s jump in. This video is how to become a magnetic personal trainer so clients are willing to crawl through broken glass to train with you, and just not rely on pushy sales tactics.

So let’s jump in…

It comes back down to getting results with your clients. 

Recently I was invited to speak at two different business conferences. Before I got up on the stage to speak at these business conferences, and what I was speaking on was not business, it was health and fitness is pretty much no one knew anything about me. I was given a good introduction by the guy, Dale Beaumont from Business Blueprint. Fantastic, no doubt for years and he gave me a great introduction, but no one really knew much about me.

What we did in the segment was Dale opened up questions. He asked me questions to begin with, and then opened it up to the audience to ask me any questions they like. Now, what ended up happening is they would ask me a question, and I would answer it, and I’ll go for it and give information that perhaps the audience wasn’t expecting. 

When the audience was time to ask questions, usually, what can happen in that kind of sitting is people don’t have questions. Because Dale would ask me a question, something about like calories or something like this, or how to lose weight, and I’ll give such an answer that showed there was a lot of depth to my answer. There was knowledge, there was a well thought out process. People then became curious because I was challenging the status quo.

Of course, there were hundreds of hands up and people wanted to ask me a bunch of different questions around a bunch of different things. The whole hour just ended up being questions, which is really fantastic. 

But it showed something significant that day, it showed that anyone can go up on a stage and if you have the great knowledge, if you’ve got great wisdom, if you’ve got depth to your answer, people are going to want more. 

The same thing happened to me very shortly after where I did another presentation, another business event called The Collective with Greg Cassar. I was invited again to do a 15 minute talk.

In that 15 minute talk, I blew the socks off people. I gave them really great content. In that, people coming up to me asking me a bunch of questions and sure, can definitely help drum up business that way. The point that I’m getting at is…

You need to have depth to your answers and knowledge.

 because I fundamentally believe people are searching for answers. If you can give them a level of knowledge that is well over and above, that’s going to show value that you can actually help them.

Let’s say for example, someone has a shoulder problem and I see this all the time at my gym, all the time. People coming for consults and here’s how the conversation goes: 

Client: ”I don’t know if I can do personal training. I’m not sure, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I’ve seen three other specialists, et cetera, et cetera.” 

Me: “That’s fine. Stand up, let’s have a look at you.”

I’ll do a structural assessment on them. In probably about 15 minutes, I’ll figure out what is actually going on. 

I’ll say, “Well, your scapular on this side’s too weak, this is too tight. What we need to do is some stretches here. We need to do hanging.” 

At the end of it, I’ve planned out three months of training in my head and explain to them that the chronological steps that it’s going to take to get them back into training.

A really great example is one of our clients then Chris. 

He was beat up as hell when he came to see us. He was very scared of training, very scared of doing bench press, claiming that his shoulder’s “not very good.” I very clearly in the sales consult told him exactly what we’re going to do and how we’re going to do it and all the stages. 

Now, we joke about Chris because sometimes he’s there for two, three hours training. He’s there multiple times a week. Any free event that we run, Chris is the first one there. He’s early, he’s a brand advocate because where he’s come from. 

He was a guy that went to three, four, different physios who all told him the same story. When he came to me, I told him a different story. It wasn’t the story of Chris, you’re fucked and you got to stop training and all these kind of things. It’s Chris, here’s what’s happening, here’s what your body…

 I was able with knowledge, able to navigate his problem and then provide him, which is the other crucial part of this, provide him with an actual solution that works, that got him a result, that got him out of shoulder pain and got him training.

Now, it’s that that creates a magnetic personal trainer. It’s actually being able to number one, understand someone’s problem and give them depth and value and then being able to solve that problem with obviously, that knowledge, not just the theoretical way, but a very practical way where people can go, “Wow, he’s the only guy/girl who’s been able to help me with this.”

I’ve seen so many other people and they haven’t been able to help me. So, this is the guy. And then that’s what builds referral networks because when you ask Chris about personal training, the only name that comes to mind is Enterprise Fitness because we were the only people who were able to help him with his problems.

This is just one example. If you want to talk about how to be a magnetic personal trainer, you really need to go out and solve people’s problems. Now, it’s not as hard as you think. You go, “What problems.” It’s solve the problem on the individual level as I was talking about with Chris. 

Take time to speak to your client about their problems, find out what it is, and figure out how you can actively overcome that.

Another great example of this is, I once trained a lady with Parkinson’s disease. 

Now, this was the first client, first person I have a met really with Parkinson’s disease, but I got to work. I called the Parkinson’s Foundation or Institute, spoke to them for about an hour about the disease. 

Once I learned as much as I could about that, what I should and shouldn’t. I found some great information about how to better help her. 

When she came to her first session, I said to her, “I’ve learned this, this, this. This is how I’m going to help you, this is what we’re going to do. These are my ideas. Let me know, let’s keep it open.” She was very, very impressed with that. Obviously, because I’d done my homework.

Now, you’re probably not going to have every single client want to crawl through broken glass to work with you. 

You need to establish your target niche as a personal trainer. 

That niche is going to be developed from the expertise that you develop. For me, the best example of this was back in the day when I was doing a lot of coaching, it was the female competitive market that would walk through broken glass to work with me. I had a lot of people and those people who I would actually turn away,

For example, people would say, “I want you to coach me online.” 

I’d say, “Well, to qualify for that, you need to come into Melbourne and you will face to face consult. I need to train you for that time. It’s a three hour consult, and here’s my fee.”

People said, “Well, I don’t want to travel.” 

I said, “Well, that’s fine. I can’t take you on as a client.” 

Most of the time people would say, “Sure, all right. Well, I’ll play ball. I’ll come to Melbourne.” 

Because this was my process. You need to meet my process. If I’m going to train you, this is what you need to do.

They’d fly into Melbourne, I’ll train them and they would get great results. 

When I say great results, a lot of them end up winning their titles or at least placing. Most of them won their titles and that’s what helped me get the rep. 

But again, it comes back down to the results and body transformations. 

There’s no magic to it folks. Again, I’ve said in previous videos, I never went into it focusing on I want to become a Comp Prep coach. 

My focus has always been, I want to get the best results for people no matter what I’m doing. Whether it’s working with Commonwealth Games gold medalist boxers to help them win gold medals. Whether it’s an Oxygen cover Magazine model, whether it’s a Miss Australia, whether it’s a personal trainer, like yourself, trying to help you double, triple or quadruple your business, I want you to get the best results. 

That’s why I’m known in so many different fields is because I’ve been able to help people excel in those fields, because I don’t focus on I want to be this, I focus on I want to get you the results.

That’s how you become magnetic, folks, is you focus solely on that one person in front of you, or if you’re doing a large presentation, you focus on the broad people getting that result and that’s how you become magnetic. Is focus on the result. Focus on everything that you can do to help that person get a result and leave no stone unturned because when that client starts talking about you to others. They say, “This guy, this girl is the real fucking deal.”

Key takeaways: How to become a magnetic personal trainer:

  • Understand your client’s unique problem 
  • Have the knowledge to help them solve it efficiently 
  • Focus on getting results for your clients 
  • Transform clients into raving fans
  • Watch as your reputation and business grow through referrals  

So, folks, if you need a hand with your personal training business, hit me up. You can DM me on Instagram or Facebook or shoot us an email mark@enterprise … I had to think about that for a second, [email protected]. Till next time folks, train hard, supplement smart and eat well. See you on the next one.

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